Friday, May 1, 2009

Bullies and Lessons Learned

This week I had a major flashback to when I was in highschool. I had a small group of friends that I didn't entirely trust and I kept to myself. High school for me was something to be endured for four years until I could get on with my real life.

I was persistently bullied in high school and I never told anyone. I was scared that if I told I would make the situation worse for myself. It was easier at that time to suffer in silence rather than bring it to light. Looking back I could not have been more wrong. As a young adolescent I wanted to not be noticed. I drown myself in books and watching tv every night rather than getting out there and seeing what life has to offer. When I finished school I could finally get on with my life. It wasn't until years later, I was educated and had a successful career, that I saw my bully in my local shopping mall. She definitely didn't look like she was doing too much with her life and I was able to move on and forget.

This week a phone call came from the school that my son was in the office and very upset. Someone was threatening and bullying him. If you knew my son you would cry your heart out in knowing that he would never hurt a fly, and has the kindest heart imaginable. It certainly broke my heart to hear about what had happened.

What I did feel though after the rage, anger and hurt was an overwhelming sense of pride. My son reported the bully immediately and the issue was sorted and resolved. For him this was an important step in becoming a great young man. He doesn't have to endure it.

Sometimes we suffer and at the time, in the moment, we have no idea why. Perhaps I was meant to suffer in silence so that when I became a mom I would know to teach my kids to speak up for themselves. I've also taught my kids to have an open dialogue with me about ANYTHING. I can't stress that enough to my kids.

No one has the right to put down anyone else for any reason!

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