Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So...every morning I walk my kids up to the corner to catch the school bus. This morning my son is playing with another boy and they are tossing the basketball back and forth on the sidewalk. Sitting at the curb is a town bus waiting to pick up a group of high school kids. The bus leaves the corner and somehow the basketball goes under the bus.

I turn to the kid and say don't worry it will come out on the other side. WRONG! the ball get wedged under the bus and it bursts!! The sound from the explosion sounded like a gun going off.

The bus turns the corner and stops. the little boy goes up to the driver and tells him that is was his ball and not the tire that blew. The little boy comes back to the corner crying over his broken ball.

I never knew that a ball could burst like that. Luckily no one got hurt.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

An update on the basketball saga...the driver shows up the next day with a brand new ball for the boy who's ball burst. What a nice guy!