Thursday, December 18, 2008


My son who is the most charming and adorable son around was tossed out of his daycare today. What's wrong with people today???

After adopting him over three years ago I can confidently say that we've come a long way baby! When he was first introduced to us he was cute, loud, and angry. I would be too though if I had been through what he has been through in his short life.

Over the past three years we have helped him, nurtured him and loved him as best as we can. He has been disagnosed as having ADHD and ODD. This did not come as a big surprise to us since we have been caring for him for three years.

Today however took the cake. I was called into our childcare centre (that will remain nameless, in case anyone actually reads this) and was told in no uncertain terms that he was gone, removed, turfed. Pick which ever one you want to use. There was an incident but like many that had occurred before and today without warning he was gone. No chance to say good bye, no chance to clean out his cubby.

Do we not give more consideration to an employee who was fired? A convict going to jail? Even they get a phone call to someone. He an innocent five year old boy is given nothing. A child who came into this world with nothing, was abused, and came to us with his fragile soul barely hanging together is given nothing. I would think in this day and age that there would be people out there with more compassion, kindness and empathy for those among us in society that don't fit the perfect mould.

I could sit here and cry woe is me and him for that matter but what would that solve??? I think it's time to find some new compassionate, caring people who at the first sign of anything amiss they don't jump ship. God knows everyone has jumped ship on him before!

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