Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am on a month long journey right now of writing a 50,000 word book in one month. I read the book No Plot, No Problem by Chris Baty and decided to join the thousands of others around the world who have embraced this idea. First of all National novel writing month is November. This is the month where thousands of writers wave good bye to their loved ones, sneak in precious words at work and basically clack away on the keyboard until carpal tunnel sinks in.

For other commitments that I couldn't escape and maybe a whole lot of fear I missed the excitement of doing this in November. But when December first rolled around I dove in head first. I'm happy to report that after 10 days I'm more than half way. I think though that is partly because of the fire that has been lit under my ass to get going with this.

I have always wanted to write a novel. Actually several would be good. Life and other commitments like work always got in the way. Now was the chance to seize the moment.

The journey is a roller coaster ride of sheer terror, excitement and exhilaration that shouldn't be missed by anyone who has ever thought...hey! I could write!

I'll keep you posted and raise a glass of something good when it's done!!!

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