Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have attended many meetings in my lifetime. Some were for work, some for my children and some for interests and hobbies.

Last night I attended one of the worst ones yet. It was for a support group for parents. I have been to the meetings before and found them dry, not well planned and an opportunity for a select few to sit and 'gab' with each other and not even acknowledge any one else in the room, this included the moderator as well.

What is wrong with people today??? Have we really gone back to high school where the 'cool clique' hangs out together and everyone else is ignored, stared at or shunned??

Grow up people. We are not teenagers any more and the point of this particular meeting was for our children. And trust me I am not angry about not being included in the so called 'cool group'.

It saddens me that our society has come to this. People need to slow down and prioritize what they really value in life.

It disgusts me, because I was a former moderator of other groups that there are people out there in charge and they couldn't care less to welcome anyone!

I've decided that it isn't worth my time to go anymore. The evening would be better spent at home with my own family. That is where my priorities lie!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Best Lie I was Ever Told

I think back fondly and laugh my head off at the best lie I was ever told.

We decided to get a puppy for our sons. Our older son was terrified of dogs and we hoped that this would help cure him. Our younger son was having some attachment issues after we adopted him so we thought he could love a puppy and then transfer that love to us.

We agreed on getting a golden doodle. Part golden retriever, part poodle. I thought poodles were a little to strange for us (at the time.) We found a breeder in our area and she had some golden doodles that were ready to be seen.

We drove with anticipation into the country to a little farm and ran the door bell. Inside her office were many puppies running around and jumping up on us. We were all a little overwhelmed.

My older son began playing with one of the doodles and soon his allergies kicked in. He began sneezing and his eyes got puffy. We couldn't get the doodle because of his allergies.

The breeder kindly told us that she had pure breed poodles also that were ready. If we wanted to come back the next day and see one of them we could. We decided to do that.

I couldn't believe we were going to see a poodle. I never considered having one for a pet. When we arrived the next day we met a beautiful poodle. He was caramel in colour and as soft as a teddy bear.

This is where the lie comes in. When we asked how big he would get we were told he would grow to be a minature poodle. About 20 pounds when grown. This was perfect for our family. Not too big, and not too small.

Half a year goes by and I take our poodle in for a vet checkup. He is tipping the scales at 35 pounds. The vet tells me that he is a standard poodle and will keep on growing.

WHen all is said and done and we now approach his second birthday he is 60 pounds!!!!!

This is the best lie someone ever told me because if I knew he would get that big I never would have bought him and I love him to pieces. He has brought so much joy to my life I couldn't be without him.

I laugh all the time about how we were tricked and how good it feels to be lied to for once!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Welcome 2009, good ridance to 2008!

To say that 2008 was an almost complete disaster is an understatement. I'm very happy to have it behind me and and anxiously and happily looking forward to 2009.

So here are the goals for 2009!
1. Lose 15-20 pounds for better health and more energy
2. Volunteer
3. Continue to read one book a week including classics
4. Pay off debt
5. Find a job that suits Justin's schedule and is rewarding
6. Teach Justin to read, and print sentences
7. Teach both boys to swim
8. Have more patience and cpmpassion for others
9. De-clutter the house
10. Win NANO09
11. Write a second book
12. Win script frenzy
13. Continue my blog
14. Edit first novel and give it a title
15. continue to set mini monthly goals

So there is the list! Let's see in one year's time what happens!!